Friday, July 20, 2007


I'm all about good customer service because I don't often see it happening -- at least not here in the metro Washington, DC area. It seems that businesses, or at least the people who work in the businesses, think that THEY are what its all about and not that they are there to serve and support the paying customer. An example you say? Easy. I had an order to make a vinyl sign, advertising my company. It was to be black with yellow letters. And the cost was $250. Quite a bit of money for me. But, taking a deep breath, I signed the work order and said, go to it!

A week later, just before I was set to open my doors in my new location, I went to pick up the sign and ........ uh oh. There it was in all its glory, advertising the grand opening of The Work Place. Black letters on a yellow sign. In horror, I blurted out... BUT ITS WRONG!!!! Its backwards. The woman behind the counter picked up a pair of scissors (the kind they cut the vinyl with) and literally threw them across the room at me shouting that this was my order and I had better get out of her store (keep in mind --- she already had my money, paid up front). I flew out the door, leaving the sign behind in my hurry to make my exit.

We then had to go through the whole process of writing to the Better Business Bureau and trying to get my money back. After all, the grand opening celebration was long done by that time. Lucky for me I had the work order signed by both myself and the company so eventually I got my money back, but it was a long, painful struggle.

And this is NOT the only time that customer service has gone out the window around here (probably where you're at too). So, if you're in business for yourself or if you work for someone else, here are a few tips to keep in mind when you're getting paid to do your job!

A customer is the most important person in any business.

A customer does not depend on us – we depend on the customer.

A customer is not an interruption of our work – the customer is the purpose.

A customer does us a favor when she/he calls – we are not doing her/him a favor by being there.

A customer is a part of our business – not an outsider.

A customer is a real person with feelings much like our own.

A customer does not want to argue or match wits with you.

A customer is a person who brings us her/his wants – it is our job to fill them.

A customer deserves the best and most courteous service we can give.

A customer is the one who makes it possible to pay your salary whether you are an employee or owner.